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Search for Conway Five Cellular Automata 6.47 in Hermetic Systems Software for exploring five cellular automata: q-state Life (a generalization of Conway's Game of Life), the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation. The documentation provides a complete description of the algorithms used.CellFighter Game 2.5 in BriskLogic This game is an amusing extension of the Game of Life: fidgety swarms of tiny critters wage a war against each other, and you takes part in this battle in real time as a commander of your own living army. Files delivered together with CellFighter provide you with a wide choice of "battlefields". Moreover, you can construct lots of new games by changing rules of the critters' behavior and by placing various extra objects into the game environmentCellFighter ScreenSaver 1.1 in BriskLogic This screen saver is based on an innovative extension of the Game of Life: two rival swarms of tiny critters wage a non-stop war for the screen space. The behavior of the living armies is highly amusing and unpredictable. The screen saver insensibly adds fresh forces to each army to enliven the show. You can change colors and forms of the critters, choose a speed, an intensity and a scenario of their battle.Edge Of Chaos 1.1 in 3D Wonders Interesting things happen at the boundary between order and chaos, where the qualities of both states are evident. There is enough order to retain information, and enough chaos to provide variety. A good way to explore this interesting phenomenon is to study a famous cellular automaton called "Conway's Game of Life" which inhabits the edge of chaos region. This screensaver allows you to explore the edge of chaos through the Game of Life. |