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Development::Active X

Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX 1.0 in United Research Labs

Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX SDK Features Caller ID Extraction, Digit Monitor and Playback, Wave File Playback and Recording on Phone Line. You get to save your Wave File in 20+ Audio Formats. Inputs CCITT u-Law Compressed Wave Files for Playback. This compact telephony control reduces your development time by 4 months. More the Registered Version supports SAPI5.1 Text To Speech and Speech To Text on Phone Line.

wodSSH in WeOnlyDo Software

Client component that provides support for communication with remote console-type services. Most commonly, it will be used for Telnet based servers (running on UNIX OS), but wodSSH does even more: it allows you to communicate encrypted (and secured, of course) with SSH1 and SSH2 (secure-shell) servers, as well as any other non-encrypted server (such as SMTP or POP3).


wodMailbox in WeOnlyDo Software

WeOnlyDo! Mailbox is a component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full management over mailboxes and message parsing. Using wodMailbox, you can easily access mailbox, count messages, look at messages, count parts, save attachments, look at headers, delete messages etc..

wodPop3Server in WeOnlyDo Software

WeOnlyDo! COM Pop3Server ActiveX control is a component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full Pop3 protocol server implementation. All you need to do is to put it on VB form, call it's Start method and it's immediately accepting connections by your clients!

wodSmtpServer in WeOnlyDo Software

WeOnlyDo! SmtpServer ActiveX control is a component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full non-relaying Smtp (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server implementation. All you need to do is to put it on VB form, call it's Start method and it's immediately accepting connections by your clients! It fully supports commands defined in RFC2821.

SuperText in Complete PC Solutions

SuperText is an enhanced ActiveX text box that includes several properties that are not included in a standard text box. This is lightweight and guaranteed to save you time in your development projects.

SMLabel OCX 2.1 in Station Media

SMLabel is full feature label control which enable you to add picture and 2 captions in the same label. This control add some great features like caption fade, caption effect as shadow, embosse, engrave,... Source code are available.

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