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Development Mgosoft XPS To PDF SDK 12.3.0 in mgosoft.com Mgosoft XPS To PDF is a simple tool that supports converting your XPS documents effectively, into PDF format files. Mgosoft XPS To PDF facilitates the conversion of Microsoft XPS documents into well-known PDF format files without sacrificing content while giving quality output. It is capable of generating optimized, high quality, and vector-based PDF format files as output out without going over GDI, or going through PDF printer driver.Mgosoft PCL To PDF SDK 12.6.0 in mgosoft.com Mgosoft PCL To PDF Converter is a fast, affordable way to batch convert your LaserJet PCL print files to industry standard PDF (Portable Document Format), PDF documents can be viewed and printed using the Adobe Acrobat range of products, distribute your print files around the Internet or your company Intranet for easy viewing, searching and printing.Entity Developer 6.11 in Devart Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, Telerik Data Access, and LINQ to SQL. You can use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your ORM model and generate C# or Visual Basic .NET code for it. You can always find the latest version of the product on the official Devart website.Database Workbench Pro 5.7.10 in Upscene Productions Cross database engine developer IDE for PostgreSQL, InterBase, SQL Server, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle, NexusDB, MSDE including many tools like: Visual Object Editors, Schema Browser, Test Data Generator, SQL Insight, Cross Database Migrator and Compare, Object Templates, SQL Catalog, Stored Procedure Debugger, Two-way Visual Query Builder, Dependency Browsing, Data Export and Import Tools, Metadata Printing, Drag - Drop editing and much more.Mgosoft PDF Stamp SDK 7.5.0 in mgosoft.com PDF Stamp is a professional PDF stamp creator or PDF watermark creator, which can help you stamp PDF with images, text, graphic lines and rectangles. With the help of this stamp creator, you can annotate your PDF with custom stamps. PDF Stamp is a powerful and useful tool which enables you to easily apply company logos, signatures, charts, page numbers, date and time, contact information to the PDF files.Mgosoft PDF Encrypt SDK 10.0.0 in mgosoft.com Mgosoft PDF Encrypt is a simple, stand-alone application that can help you encrypt your PDF files. It can help you set open passwords for your PDF files, preventing the PDF files from opening or reading. You can also use this tool to set owner passwords, preventing your PDF files from printing, editing, coping, and changing. Mgosoft PDF Encrypt does NOT require Adobe Acrobat, or any other Adobe products.Mgosoft PDF Password Remover SDK 10.0.0 in mgosoft.com Mgosoft PDF Password Remover is a simple, stand-alone application that can be used to decrypt password-protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files. It can help you generate PDF files with no password from the original PDF files which are not permitted to be edited, changed, printed, copied, added annotations, etc. Mgosoft PDF Encrypt does NOT require Adobe Acrobat, or any other Adobe products.Mgosoft PDF Security SDK 10.0.0 in mgosoft.com With PDF Password Remover that can help you generate PDF files with no password from the original PDF files which are not permitted to be edited, changed, printed, copied, added annotations, etc. With PDF Encrypt that can help you set open passwords for your PDF files, preventing the PDF files from opening or reading. You can also use this tool to set owner passwords, preventing your PDF files from printing, editing, coping, and changing.Best SQL Database Repair Tool 21.0 in Converter Tools Free Online SQL Database Repair Tool is smartly developed with amazing features which effectively restore the corrupt SQL Database. Corrupted files such as MDF and PDF files can easily be restored and save in multiple types of saving options as per the user requirements. It helps to restore the tables, triggers, indices, rules, and keys for corrupt MSF files. It strongly supports MS SQL Server 2000, 2005 and it's below versions too.C# PDF 2021.3.1 in C# PDF Document Team The C# PDF Document gives code samples and directions on the most proficient methods to utilize the principle capabilities and settings of the IronPDF C# PDF Library. C# PDF is the creator / generator / convertor / editor library for C# or VB.Net. IronPDF enables you to create PDF documents from C# web, desktop or console .Net applications. Support and licensing information and questions https://ironpdf.com/docs/ASPX to PDF 2021.3.1 in Jacob Müller & The ASPX to PDF Team Iron PDF ASPX-to-PDF tutorial provides ASPX file converting functionality for C# / .net web application developers. It uses html to pdf technology to convert ASPX to PDF files on the fly. Install software and tutorial using Nuget (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Ironpdf) or through the Iron Software Component download (https://ironpdf.com/packages/IronPdf.zip) this .Net library may be installed to your C# or VB application quickly & easily.ASPX to PDF Converter 2021.3.1 in IronPDF ASPX to PDF Team The ASPX to PDF converter for .Net software developers allows C# and VB developers to convert ASPX to PDF in desktop, console and web applications. Download IronPDF software DLL (http://ironpdf.com/packages/IronPdf.zip) or install with Nuget (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Ironpdf). IronPDF ASPX to PDF document conversion software component library for .Net C# & VB developers. ASPX to PDF file conversion supports HTML 5, Javascript, images, CSSC# Print PDF 2021.3.1 in C# Print PDF Team IronPDF is one of the few ways to print a PDF to a physical printer in .Net, or with C#, that does not require Adobe Acrobat to be installed anywhere, and this means we can use IronPDFs print functionality in the cloud. We can use it on web servers, we can also use it within royalty free redistribution, ie, inside your product that prints PDFs.C# Export PDFs and Save to MemoryStream 2021.3.1 in C# Export PDFs and Save to MemoryStream You can save any IronPDF.PDF document object to a memory stream by using the PDF document.stream property. You may also be interested in the binary data property of the PDF document which exports the data as a byte array. You can use IronPDF to export PDFs in C# using any type of .Net project whether it is Windows Forms, console, MVC, and Azure functions. Class Library projects are supported by IronPDF for C# PDF export functionality.C# PDF Parser 2021.3.1 in C# PDF Parser The product can be anything but difficult to work with PDFs in C# and use all the usefulness you requirement for a .NET application, including utilizing C# parse PDF documents. Common applications of PDF parsing are to edit or annotate existing PDF files, add pages to them, remove pages from them, add headers and footers, or to extract text or image content from them.