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It is as refreshing as TEA, as tasty as COFFEE, as comforting asCOCOA,

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The utility of currants, red, black, or white, has long been established in domestic economy


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The hostess or host, during the progress of a ball, willcourteously accost and chat with their friends

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THE SPECKLED HAMBURG.?Of the speckled, or spangled Hamburg which is a favourite breed with many persons, there are two varieties,?the golden-speckled and the silver-speckled. Thegeneral colour of the former is golden, or orange-yellow

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Cut and boil the beans by the preceding recipe, and when tender, put them into a stewpan, and shake over the fire, to dry away the moisture from the beans. When quite dry and hot, add the butter, pepper, salt, and lemon-juice; keep moving the stewpan, without using aspoon

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Put the oysters in a stewpan, with their liquor strained; add the cloves, mace, butter, flour, and seasoning, and let them simmer gently for 5 minutes. Have ready in the centre of a dish round walls ofmashed potatoes,

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Eggs for poaching should be perfectly fresh, but not quite new-laid; those that are about 36 hours old are the best for the purpose. If quite new-laid, the white is so milky it is almost impossible to set it; and, on the other hand, if the egg be at allstale

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This, as a matter of course, greatly depends on the nature of the ground and bait upon which the animal feeds. Its natural food are small crabs and shell-fish. Its colour also depends on the colour of the ground where itfeeds

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This is by far the most formidable and fatal of all the diseases to which infancy and childhood are liable, and is purely an inflammatory affection, attacking that portion of the mucous membrane lining the windpipe and bronchial tubes, and from the effect of which a false or loose membrane is formed along the windpipe, resembling in appearancethe finger of a glove suspended in the passage,

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LAMB, in the early part of the season, however reared, is in London, and indeed generally, sold in quarters, divided with eleven ribs to the forequarter; but, as the season advances, these are subdividedinto two, and the hind-quarter in the same manner;

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Prick the sausages with a fork (this prevents them from bursting), and put them into a frying-pan with a small piece of butter. Keep moving the pan about, and turn the sausages 3 or 4 times. In from 10 to 12 minutes they will be sufficiently cooked, unless they are _verylarge_, when a little more time should be allowed for them.

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SALAD, ENGLISH, old-fashioned English mixed salad generally consisted of English lettuce cut up into strips crossways, to which was added mustard and cress, boiled beetroot, chopped celery, spring onions, radishes, and watercress. It is by no means a bad mixture when dressed with oil, and, of course, it can be dressed it a l?Anglaise. It makes an excellent accompaniment to a huge hunk of cheese, a crusty loaf, a good appetite, better digestion.

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CHEESE SOUP Light-coloured and dry cheese is necessary for this somewhat peculiar soup, but the best cheese of all is, undoubtedly Gruyere. Grate half a pound of cheese and spread a layer of this at the bottom of the soup-tureen. Cover this layer of cheese with some very thin slices of stale crumb of bread. Then put another layer of cheese and another layer of bread till all the cheese is used up. Next take about two tablespoonfuls of brown rou

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Get integrated access to more than 150,000 recipes, find out the nutritional content of your favorite recipes, manage your shopping list with ease and much more!

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Calculate nutrient values and cost of recipes & meals. Cholesterol, Carbs, Calories & Trans Fat stats. Calculations based on USDA Nutrient Database. Add personal items and nutrient information. Compute per serving nutrients and cost. Excel export for printing & reporting. Combine recipes into meals. Clone recipes for nutritional comparison. Create the healthiest recipe by substituting ingredients. Compare recipes and meals nutrition.

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