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PhlebotomyAnalyzer 2.9 in Phlebotomy Institute of Central Park

The phlebotomy software is used with many methods of introducing samples into the automated analyser machine. This software can archive all data that result with placing blood test tubes of sample into racks, which can be moved along a track, or inserting tubes into circular carousels that rotate to make the sample available.

QuimAP 2012 2012 in Miguel Angel Fernández Nuevo

Chemistry educational software, in spanish. It has more than 30 data items on each element, including uses, melting and boilling points, electronegativity, natural an radioactive isotopes, history and more. The program includes utils to compare elements, calculate molecular weights, compare bond properties, list properties in sorted lists, graph the properties, unit convertion tool, games, etc.


7-Diet Secrets v 1.0 1.0 in Health Pips

It's an exciting program on diet

FlyCarpet 1.1 in Yaode Yang

FlyCarpet is a rapid and visual modeling software platform for dynamic/static system design/optimization/simulation, it models multi-industry system with components and platform features, so this software can be used for many fields as fluid, fluid power, control, mechanics, chemics, electrics/electronics, hydraulics, aeronautics, astronautics and so on.

Refrigeration Package for FlyCarpet 1.1 in Yaode Yang

Rapid modeling tool for static refrigeration systems and heat exchangers design and simulation, simply drag and drop to model refrigeration system in very short time. The visual operation makes it easy to create system and complete system calculation. Many refrigeration system components included to enable most application. This package will be installed to FlyCarpet directory and must be run under FlyCarpet, so please install FlyCarpet first.

Psychrometric Chart + Duct Calculator 4.2 in Yaode Yang

A convenient, precise and powerful tool for HVAC&R engineers. This psychrometric chart is perfectly consistent with all ASHRAE charts of No.1~7(SI Units) and No.1~5(IP Units). Features include: High precision calculation; Metric(SI) and English(IP) units support; Convenient chart operating; Powerful process calculating; Include thermal and adiabatic effect calculation for air/liquid duct. Full functional trial, free upgrade.

cloison nasale 1.0 in cloison nasale

La cloison nasale est un cartilage tres grand qui separe le nez en deux moities, narine droite et narine gauche. Différentes personnes ont differents degrés d'écart. Parfois, cette division peut etre tres importante. Cette cloison nasale contient une muqueuse. La cloison nasale a cinq structures principales qui sont l'os vomer, le cartilage de la cloison, les os maxillaires de crête, crête de l'os palatin et l'os ethmoide. Il est normal d'avoir

comment maigrir 1.0 in comment maigrir

S'en tenir a une alimentation saine pour comment maigrir est generalement plus difficile que de s'en tenir a un regime qui n'est pas si sain. Quelle est la difference? Eh bien, beaucoup de gens qui essaient de comment maigrir veulent simplement des resultats rapides sans aucun effort.

MagicPlot Pro 2.0.1 in Magicplot Systems, LLC

MagicPlot is a handy application for scientific and engineering data analysis, graphing, nonlinear curve fitting and multi-peak fitting.

chalazion 1.0 in chalazion

Qu'est-ce qu'un chalazion? Quelles sont les causes d'un chalazion? Quels sont les symptômes d'un chalazion? Quel est le traitement d'un chalazion? Quel est le pronostic d'un chalazion? Comment un chalazion peut être évité ?

page protector 2 1.1 in page protector

This reference guide contains details about page protector and other medical record keeping supplies. If your medical office needs more supplies, this reference guide will help you become better informed.

computer carts 2 1.1 in computer carts

This reference guide contains details about computer carts and other medical record keeping supplies. If your medical office needs more supplies, this reference guide will help you become better informed.

computer cart 2 1.1 in computer cart

This reference guide contains details about computer cart and other medical record keeping supplies. If your medical office needs more supplies, this reference guide will help you become better informed.

Create Better Maps with Global Mapper 13 7.9.7 in Ramka Ltd.

Global Mapper is more than just a utility; it has built in functionality for distance and area calculations, raster blending, feathering, spectral analysis and contrast adjustment, elevation querying, line of sight calculations, cut-and-fill volume calculations, as well as advanced capabilities like image rectification, contour generation from surface data, view shed analysis (including Fresnel) from surface data, and triangulation.

Google Earth Pro 1 in StreetView

Google Earth Pro is an incredible application which displays satellite images from around the globe, with some areas better defined than others With Google Earth Pro you will see streets, cities, monuments, "travel" from one city to another, and more. Google Earth Pro version differs from "normal" in many respects, including allowing you to view GPS information from GPS devices or using files. GPX or. LOC, includes features that draw a map.

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