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Guitar-Online Tuner in Terre Mouvante Cie

This tuner for guitar, mandolin, ukulele, fiddle, banjo and bass guitar allows standard and open tunings. The program shows the name of the note, together with its place on the stave, and numerical values of pitch/frequency. If the open tunings doesn't fit your needs, you can use the keyboard (in chromatic mode) and choose any other note to tune your instrument.

Ear and Memory Training in Terre Mouvante Cie

Musical Dictation: At the beginning of each exercise, the software plays a preview of the series of notes that you'll have to recognize. Then, it proceeds to the dictation: it plays a note then awaits your answer. Musical Memory Game: To have a good ear is the ability to [re]cognize sounds. This is why "Ear and Memory Training" offers a second activity called "Musical Memory Game", freely inspired by the game "Simon Says".


Accordeur de Guitare-Online 2.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Accordeur de guitare pour accordage standard et open tunings. Cet accordeur autorise l'accordage standard (a savoir Mi-La-Re-Sol-Si-Mi) ainsi que d'autre types d'accordages communement appeles Open-Tunings. Il permet egalement de selectionner a l'aide du clavier d'autres notes pour creer des accordages personnalises.

Metronome de Guitare-Online 2.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Ce metronome pour PC/Windows bat la mesure sur des tempos allant de 40 a 340 bpm. Il permet de marquer le premier temps des mesures simples ou composees. Il decompte egalement les mesures asymetriques (par exemple 13/8 = 3+2+3+2+3/8).

Classical Pieces for Guitar Vol I 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Classical solos and duets adapted from the piano or the harpsichord for pick style guitar. An advanced level required. This guitar course is suited for all kind of Guitarists who desire to learn this style of music, be it for its intrinsic beauty, phrasing practice, or increasing one's technique. Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Teleman, etc.

Piezas Clasicas para Guitarra - Vol 1 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

El directorio clasico es rico en ensenanzas y se presta a numerosas adaptaciones y/o variaciones, en particular en el ambito del Jazz y del Rock. Este metodo va dirigido a todos los guitarristas que desean abordar este estilo de musica, ya sea por la belleza intrinseca de las piezas, el trabajo del fraseado o por los progresos tecnicos que eso aporta.

Metodo de guitarra - Volumen I 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Este metodo no pide ninguna nocion musical previa, todo se va explicando poco a poco. Este primer volumen es el fruto de las reflexiones y observaciones hechas durante una clase particular de guitarra. En efecto, la mayoria de los alumnos tienen los mismos problemas para tocar asi que requieren los mismos consejos para interpretar correctamente una pieza.

Metodo de Guitarra - Volumen II 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Este curso es la continuacion logica del primer volumen. Debe poseer los rudimentos basicos adquiridos gracias a este precedente curso antes de lanzarse al secundo volumen (nivel principiante/intermedio). Por ejemplo: saber desplazar simultaneamente uno o dos dedos de la mano izquierda, saber tocar con un cleptro (uneta o pua) y realizar arpegios, conocer y tocar ritmos sencillos, etc...

Metodo de Guitarra - Volumen III 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Este metodo contiene once estudios inspirados por distintas formas del Blues: mayor, menor, en picking, con una pua... asi como unos ejercicios tecnicos y algunas escalas. La estructura ciclica de este estilo produce unas piezas cuyas secuencias son faciles de memorizar, sin embargo el conjunto no se reserva al guitarrista principiante.

How to play the guitar Vol3 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

You will find in this guitar course eleven studies inspired by various forms of the Blues: major, minor, finger-picking, played with a pick, etc. The cyclic structure of this musical style produces pieces which are easy to remember, however the majority of these songs are not meant for beginners.

How to Play the Guitar Vol1 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

How to Play the Guitar - Volume I, is a guitar tutorial that makes it easy for absolute beginners to learn to master the instrument. Developed by a professional guitar player and trainer, this multimedia tutorial takes you step-by-step through the fundamentals of playing blues, rock, folk, arpeggios, and even classical music on the electric or acoustic guitar.

How to Play the Guitar Vol2 5.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

How to play the Guitar - Volume II is the sequel to the 1st volume. Developed by a professional guitar player and trainer, this multimedia tutorial takes you step-by-step through the fundamentals of playing blues, rock, folk, finger picking, on the electric or acoustic guitar. The 23 lessons cover guitar skills, technique, and musical theory. It uses both tab and standard musical notation to teach students to master their instrument.

Methode de guitare - Vol I 5.0.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Méthode de Guitare - Volume I pour PC/Windows est une série de cours multimédia pour le grand débutant. Au travers d'études inspirées des standards Blues, Rock, Folk, des Accompagnements en arpèges ainsi que du Classique, ces leçons rédigées par un musicien professionnel, guideront le débutant pas à pas dans l'apprentissage de la guitare.

Afinador de Guitar-Online 2.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

Este afinador para PC/Windows le da las seis notas correctas para afinar su guitarra (Mi-La-Re-Sol-Si-Mi) asi como varios open-tunings. El teclado (en modo cromatico) le permitira afinar su guitarra con aun mas notas.

Guitar-Online Metronome 2.0 in Terre Mouvante Cie

This metronome plays tempos from 40 to 340 beats per minute. It also allows the user to play simple, compound and odd-time meters as well as mixes of measures (5/4=3+2/4, 13/8=3+2+3+2/8), etc. It plays different tones for accent, intermediate and regular beats, and displays meter, tempo and movement being played.

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